HAYES Partner shops
HAyes Bicycle Group
Twenty years ago, Hayes changed the face of mountain biking forever with the release of the HFX-Mag. The Mag was a brake system that was durable, reliable and didn’t need someone in a lab coat to explain how to set it up. The design set the standard for most offerings available today. We have continuously refined our products base on the ever-changing demands of riders – while still avoiding headaches for the backyard bike mechanic.
The HAYES bicycle group includes the following brands: HAYES, Manitou, Reynolds, Protaper, SUNringlé
HAYES Bicycle Group Partner Shops
The following bike shops are cerified HAYES Bicycle Group partners and test centers!
If you are interestet to test the products or if you have any questions about them, do not hesitate to contact and visit them!

Matthias and Robin are able to provide you with the best possible service, consulting and test oportunities when it comes to mountainbikes and e-mountainbikes. Their high quality stadard insures happy customers around the lake of Zürich.

Rodeo Bike
The Rodeo Bike shops are located in the heart of the "Walliser" alps and provide you with the best possible testing opportunities with the bikepark Bellwald in their back yard. Kilian, Romeo and the whole crew are excellent mechanics and racers. So, expect nothing than the best for you and your bike. If you need any kind of assistant or consulting, visit them!